Featured Procedures
Male breast surgery is a sensitive topic. There are a variety of factors that can lead to male breast growth whether it be genetic, environmental, pharmaceutical, or hormonal to name a few. Male breast surgery (gynecomastia surgery) often combines liposuction of the chest for reshaping of the chest wall and male breast along with a sometimes necessary small incision by the areolar to remove firmer breast tissue that cannot be suctioned out. Dr. Moshrefi understands the concerns that men may have regarding the appearance of their chest walls and provides a very private and individualized approach to surgical enhancement of this area.
Daddy Do-Over
Mom works hard but the Dad Bod is a real phenomenon. Years of work, sundamage, and flab setting in from running around taking care of kids and balancing work with life at home leaves dads a bit worn out. Surgical rejuvenation with the Daddy Do-Over combines chest and abdominal wall rejuvenation showcasing muscular features and lines while bringing out the most natural Dad that exists in you! Dr. Moshrefi wants to help those around you say “Hello Daddy” and goodbye to the Dad Bod.
“I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Moshrefi. I was made to feel welcomed the moment I walked in by the staff. I didn't have to wait long to see the Dr. He was very down to earth, kept me well informed, and allowed me to decide my options. Feeling excited!”